Banglarbhumi is a land registration and reform web portal launched by the Government of West Bengal. You can use Banglarbhumi 2022 portal to search land and property details like owner name, plot area, plot number, property value etc.
What Is Banglarbhumi?![What Is Banglarbhumi?](
Banglarbhumi is the online portal of the West Bengal Land and Land Reforms and Refugee Relief and Rehabilitation Department. Also, Citizens can access all land and property records in West Bengal on the Banglarbhumi portal. Banglarbhumi West Bengal land information is available at, also known as Banglabhumi.
On the Banglar bhumi West Bengal portal, citizens can check Record of Rights (ROR) applications. Transfer of property ownership from one person to another, change applications, mutation applications, West Bengal land records search by name, land information, and land maps. Also, GRN and other land and land records easily document.
The land information of the Banglarbhumi land records portal helps reduce the users’ time and effort. Also, Bangla bhumi land records gateway allows the state’s income department to offer more transparency.
Banglarbhumi 2022: List Of Available Land Information Services
The services available on the Banglarbhumi 2022 website related to land information, terrestrial records and land and land reforms are mentioned at 2022. Also, Land information services except West Bengal land records search by name include:
- Land distribution
- ROR application
- Online land archives/Bhulekh West Bengal/ West Bengal Land Records search by name
- Update records regularly
- Digitization of maps and records
- Khatian and plot information
- Management of ISU
- Also, Training (ARTI and LMTC)
- Rent a driver
- Also, Thika rental
- Also, Demarcation of India-Bangladesh border
- Services offered to the State Land Use Board
- Also, Other services to citizens
- Also, Dealing with public complaints
- Preparation, updating and maintenance
Benefits Of the Banglarbhumi Land Records Portal
- The [Banglarbhumi] Land then Land Reforms Portal makes it very easy to buy and sell real estate in West Bengal. Apart from searching West Bengal territory records by name on [Banglarbhumi], other benefits are mentioned below.
- Residents need not visit any government office to get land information in West Bengal land records.
- Also, All land and land improvements information, like West Bengal khatian land information by name can be accessed anytime, anywhere using the [Banglarbhumi]portal. Searching West Bengal land records by name is a simple way to get the necessary information.
- Also, All required land and property information in the nation, like West Bengal Khatian land by name, can be accessed in one place – [Banglarbhumi] Portal.
- [Banglarbhumi] country information portal is live, updated in real time, and available in West Bengal’s remotest location. It also applies to searching West Bengal territory records by name.
- [Banglarbhumi] land information portal helps to maintain transparency concerning West Bengal land records.
- Also, West Bengal land records search by name on [Banglarbhumi] makes selling or buying property easy.
- [Banglarbhumi] helps online khatian checks and access West Bengal khatian conspiracy information by name / khatian.
- Also, Entrepreneurs interested in the West Bengal industry can access the [Banglarbhumi] land information portal to see substructure availability, search West Bengal land records by name, or get online Khatian checks on land they aspire to run their sites.
- [Banglarbhumi]online portal keeps time and money for the persons of West Bengal.
How to register?
Although, To avail of the online citizen services of [Banglarbhumi] 2022 – Land and Land Reforms and Refugee Respite and Rehabilitation Department gateway like West Bengal Land Records Search, citizens need to register with [Banglarbhumi] Land Records at https://banglarbhumi .gov. in/BanglarBhumi/Home.action
Step 1: Click on the [Banglarbhumi] 2022 land info website at The “Sign up” button is located in the middle of the Bangla bhumi country information page at the top. Create your Bangla bhumi land annals portal profile and log in to ‘Citizen Services’ as ‘Citizen’.
Step 2: Bangla bhumi public registration form will now appear on the ]banglarbhumi] gov website.
Also, Fill all the required arenas in the Land and Land Bangla bhumi form such as
- Name
- Name of guardian or name of parents – mother and father)
- Address
- Municipality
- District
- PIN code
- Email address
- One-time password for email and phone number
- Password
- and captcha details.
Although, Submit the Bangla bhumi form to successfully register and access services such as West Bengal land records search by name.
How To Display Land Records Using “Know Your Property”?
Although, To do online khatian checkered / access west Bengal khatian and plan information by name, you need to go to [banglarbhumi] country information portal. Also, You don’t need to register to get khatian and plot information. On [Banglar bhumi], you drive to find ‘Know Your Property on the right-hand side. Also, Click on [Banglar bhumi] ‘Know Your Property’ at and enter the details.
- District
- Block
- Mouza
identify khatian and draw an information map
Although, West Bengal land records search can be done employing West Bengal Khaitan land information by name or number. Also, In khatian and land information page, all required details are mandatory fields to fill in [Banglar bhumi] know your property West Bengal.
Note that in [Banglar bhumi], if district term/block name / Mouza name is displayed
- Green revenue is centrally located in live data.
- Blue means older data
- Black means no data is available
Although, To check [Banglar bhumi] mutation status, click Citizen Services on the [Banglar-bhumi] home page and select Mutation Status from “Online Service Status”. Also, Then login to the [Banglarbhumi] page, consuming username, password and captcha, and then check the [Banglar-bhumi] mutation status.