This Site Can’t Provide A Secure Connection

Nothing carries your work to a screeching halt like an error message, especially if it involves security. A sign reading, “This site can’t provide a secure connection,” can remain confusing and alarming. It can also be disruptive if you receive it on your MAMP installation since these sites are frequently local testing installations.

This issue usually includes a problem with your web browser or Site’s SSL certificate. Fortunately, fixing it is relatively easy and might be as simple as clearing your browser’s cache.

This article will look at the most common reasons for this error message. Formerly we’ll walk you through how to troubleshoot besides fixing it so that you can get back to more important things. Let’s jump right in!

“This Site Can’t Provide a Secure Connection”“This Site Can’t Provide a Secure Connection”

First of all, what remains a “secure connection” exactly? It connects to a website that uses HTTPS slightly more than HTTP. Most browsers display these sites with a lock icon in the address bar to indicate that the connection is secure.

HTTPS offers significant security advantages over HTTP but also has strict requirements to safeguard compliance. One of them is the presence of a valid SSL certificate.

The “This site can’t provide a secure connection” error indicates a problem with the SSL certificate. In other words, the Site claims to be HTTPS-compliant, but either it’s not providing a diploma or using an invalid one. If the certificate can’t remain verified, the browser won’t load the Site and will present this error message instead.

What Causes “This Site Can’t Provide A Secure Connection” ErrorWhat Causes “This Site Can’t Provide A Secure Connection” Error

There are six common reasons a browser displays the Site Can’t Provide a Secure Connection message.

No SSL Certificate Installed

The error message may appear because the website lacks an SSL certificate. It means you’re accessing it via an HTTP connection, and the target host sends all requests and responses in plain text.

The data is not encrypted and may remain intercepted by third parties to gather information between the website server and a browser. It may expose the Site to cyber attacks such as malware and man-in-the-middle attacks.

HTTPS Remains Not Forced on the Website

The issue may occur when you’ve installed the SSL certificate but didn’t enable the force HTTPS option. This way, visitors will access the website’s HTTP version instead of the secure URL.

Invalid or Expired SSL Certificate

You may encounter this error when the website uses an invalid or expired SSL certificate. It means the Site currently runs on an HTTP connection.

Outdated SSL Cache in the Browser

An outdated or corrupt SSL cache in the browser may contribute to the website error. Usually, this can occur when you’re developing web pages or after installing a new SSL certificate.

Six Effective Methods To Solve The Issue

Whether you are a website owner or visitor, we have provided six effective methods to solve the issue:

  1. Install an SSL certificate.Configure it via your hosting account.
  2. Force HTTPS on your website. Ensure visitors get redirected to the Site’s secure version.
  3. Reinstall the SSL certificate. If you appear to have an invalid SSL certificate, install it again via the hosting account.
  4. Delete the SSL and browser cache. Outdated or corrupt data may cause the error.
  5. Disable the QUIC protocol.To do it, access Chrome’s flags menu.
  6. Check the date and time settings. Incorrect date and time settings may cause issues during the validation process.

We hope this article has helped you fix the Site Can’t Provide a Secure Connection error. If you have questions or suggestions, please leave them in the comments section below.


The Site Can’t Provide a Secure Connection error appears when the browser encounters SSL certificate issues, QUIC protocol problems, or misconfigured operating system settings. Depending on the browser, the message will be slightly different.